The Blue Rivers® experts have the following expertise in the waste management, namely communal waste management:
Establishment of small-scale communal waste management infrastructure. With the support of Coca-Cola Beverages, Ukraine, the such infrastructure has been established in four settlements in Zakarpattya (Velyky Bychkiv, Kvasovo, Baranintsi and Yasinya);
Support to development of the Long term Strategy of Waste Managementfor the region. The experts in frame of the EU project “Waste Governance” supported the development of the 15-Year Waste Management Strategy for Zakarpattya Region, Ukraine, which was approved by Zakarpatska Oblast Rada.
Public awareness raising regarding the separate waste collection. One of the successful examples of it was the operation “Crab” (2011): in the riverbed of Latorica river near Chop city (at the distance of 5 km from Ukrainian-Slovak border) the special construction has been assembled for retaining of man-caused and natural waste. The caught waste has been taken out of the riverbed by a special crane, sorted and partly recycled.
In frame of the informational campaign “Black Sea Clean Beach Day” in Ukraine the practical actions include removal of an illegal dumpsite created from the marine litter and tourist activities located near the beach area. The illegal dumpsite was assessed as 200m3 of waste. The work on waste removal was done under the leadership of National Nature Park “Biloberezzhya Svyatoslava” with the support of the project and Ukrainian Society for the Birds Protection.
Currently the Blue Rivers® experts are actively involved in the implementation of the